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July 11 2017
At the end of June, I was presented with the opportunity to give testimony to the Oregon House of Representatives Agriculture Committee on the topic of technology
July 10 2017
If you told me when I was 9 years old that one day I would willingly get up in front of a crowd of hundreds, I would be shaking my head no
July 5 2017
The age-old joke surrounding holidays is that they’re filled with stress from old family squabbles and new family drama. Is that true? Are most people’s holidays filled with dread and anxiety?
July 3 2017
We all scream for ice cream! That popular saying is commonly heard around summertime when ice cream is the go-to item at summer gatherings and the perfect sweet treat on a hot afternoon
robot facility
June 29 2017
Have you ever heard the term “set in your ways”? Well, I have, and I know a lot of people who are. Sometimes this can be a good thing, while other times, not so much
shes hot your not 6.25.17
June 28 2017
Yes, you read the title right, but I am talking about cows. It is common knowledge in the dairy industry that cows do not like the heat. The question is, when do they start feeling uncomfortable, and
June 26 2017
Set protocols for people as well as herd management
June 21 2017
Our society has become one that puts entertainment above almost everything else, so let’s use it to our advantage
June 19 2017
Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay and Forage Grower staff visited the University of Wisconsin Agricultural Research Station for some professional development.
Rep Jody Hice
June 15 2017
A few months ago we had the opportunity to host our congressman, Representative Jody Hice, at our dairy farm. He had great questions about our operation
June 14 2017
Farmers must make time, quality time, for the people who are most important
June 13 2017
Tomorrow, Little Farmer, our oldest son, “graduates” from kindergarten. We can officially say that we survived the first school year
June 8 2017
When ordering a coffee in the morning, I am observing more and more people swapping cow’s milk for almond milk
Farm tour
June 7 2017
When a friend who works for Hoard’s called and asked me if I’d be willing to be one of their farmer bloggers, I physically had to cover my mouth so I didn’t excitedly scream ‘YES!!!’...
June 5 2017
When discussing calf raising, most every dairy farmer will tell you good colostrum is essential to calf health
May 31 2017
Warm weather, a break from school, and June Dairy Month bring a stir of events on the farm throughout the summer
May 26 2017
Searching for a reflective topic, I decided to browse the Hoard’s Dairyman archives from late May and June from 20 years ago
May 22 2017
As the old pop song goes, “You’ve got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
May 17 2017
More than 14,800 cow judges from all 50 states and 15 other countries tackled the five classes in the 2017 Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest
May 15 2017
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers can be difficult to gauge, and traditionally, they vote with their wallets. That makes labels a vital piece of the purchasing decision